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September 14, 2011

After Historic GOP Win … How Can Anyone Take Democrats or DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz Serious … NY-9, “It’s a very difficult district for Democrats”

Posted in: 2012 Elections,Anthony Weiner (D-NY),Barack Obama,Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL),Obamanation,Obamanomics,Presidential Election,WTF

Why Democrats cannot be believed and Obama is a complete liability … it is no longer spin, its complete and total denial.

Last night the GOP accomplished something they had not done since the Warren Harding Administration in the 1920′s … they won the US House election for NY-9.  Republican Bob Turner won a decided and pre-election poll predicted 6 point victory over Democrat David Weprin. This is a Congressional district in the heart of  deep, dark blue Democratic New York City.  So what did DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz have to say regarding the historic GOP election win and the crushing Democrat loss? I guess denial is not just a river in Egypt.

I guess California is a difficult state for Democrats as well … all states just might be with Obama as Prsident

Democratic party leaders insisted the loss wasn’t a harbinger of things to come. “It’s a very difficult district for Democrats,” said Democratic National Committee chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz, noting its Democratic margins there tend to be the second lowest of all the districts in New York City.

Great sarcasm from Hot Air regarding Wasserman Schultz’s comments. What makes the DNC Chairs comments beyond ignorant is that she is also a New York US House of Representative and knows better. A difficult district to win, really Debbie? Democrats have won this district for the past 88 years but suddenly it became difficult for Democrats. You do realize you have lost all credibility.

Well, in her defense, she still hasn’t gotten past that tough loss when Andrew Peterson edged David O’Connell for the seat … in 1922.  The same seat was held by Geraldine Ferraro, Chuck Schumer, and Anthony Weiner … when he had his pants on.  Going back to 1996, the lowest percentage a Democrat got in a general election in this seat was 60.8%, which was in 2010 while the Tea Party took 63 seats from Democrats that ended up being a lot more “difficult” than this one.  It was such a difficult district that Weiner ran unopposed in 2006 and virtually unopposed in 2008.

So what does this mean for Democrats in 2012? The upcoming election is going to be a repeat of the 2010 midterm elections that saw the GOP make gains in the House, Senate, Governorships and State Legislatures. If Debbie Wasserman Schultz and Democrats thinks a safe Democrat district like NY-9 is a difficult place for Democrats … what does that mean for actual swing states like Florida, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, Virginia, North Carolina, Nevada and new battleground states like Wisconsin, Minnesota and Michigan?

President Barack Obama and his policies will decimate the Democrats party for decades to come.

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