Fox News Geraldo Rivera … Out of his Mind, Compares Tea Party Protestors to those that Stole Bush Election
Posted in: Healthcare,Media Bias,Moonbats,Obamacare,Obamanation,Politics,We the People,WTF,You Tube - VIDEO
Geraldo Rivera … INSANE! Why does Geraldo want Obamacare and against Free Speech? Maybe it will serve as the cure for his Bush Derangement Syndrome?
So what does Geraldo Rivera have against people using their Constitutional rights? There is nothing like a cause that affects “We the People” to show just how liberal some of these cable show types really are. Rivera went insane and compared Tea Party protesters against Obamacare at the town hall meetings to the “Brooks Brothers” wearing demonstrators who stole the election for George Bush. The LEFT just can’t let GWB go. When all else fails and the LEFT is losing the debate … blame Bush.
Hey Geraldo, stick to something you know about and have a 10,000th show on Michael Jackson.
Hat Tip: Gateway Pundit
Geraldo loses it. He lashes out at the mob who he believes just prevented nationalized health care just like the “Brooks Brothers” wearing demonstrators who were so violent and stole the election for George Bush.
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