Wait Rasmussen Report Un-American, 52% Against Obamacare … Turn Him into the White House Healthcare Snitch Blog
Posted in: Healthcare,Nancy Pelosi,Obamacare,Obamanation,Politics,Polls,WTF
Looks like Nancy Pelosi thinks a majority of Americans are un-American.
So the desperate Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and House majority leader Hoyer think that those who oppose Obamacare are un-American? I guess you are going to have to add the 57% of American voters who think Obamacare would be a colossal health care disaster. Pelosi inked in her desperate cry for help editorial today that “ … the heart of our democracy and plays an integral role in assuring that the legislation we write reflects the genuine needs and concerns of the people we represent.” Really? Who exactly do you represent when a majority of Americans are soundly against Obamacare?
In a recent Rasmussen Poll, only 32% of American voters favored a single payer government run health care system. News flash to San Fran Nan, Hoyer, Obama and the snitch White House blog … 57% opposed it!
Thirty-two percent (32%) of voters nationwide favor a single-payer health care system where the federal government provides coverage for everyone. A Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 57% are opposed to a single-payer plan.
Fifty-two percent (52%) believe such a system would lead to a lower quality of care while 13% believe care would improve. Twenty-seven percent (27%) think that the quality of care would remain about the same.
Let us also not leave out that by a 45% to 24% believed single payer Obamcare would lead to higher health care prices and 52% to 13% believed that Obamacare would lower the quality of health care. As Stop the ACLU stated, Rasmussen must be un-American too.
Is it any wonder why most voters do not like Nancy Pelosi.
How embarassing and unproductive was Pelosi’s and Hoyer’s comments portraying those who are against Obamacare as un-American? The White House had to distance them self from their comments.
The White House disagreed this afternoon with the contention by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., and House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer, D-Maryland, that the disruptions at town hall meetings are “un-American,” as the Democratic congressional leaders contended in a USA Today op-ed this morning.
“I think there’s actually a pretty long tradition of people shouting at politicians in America,” White House deputy press secretary Bill Burton told reporters on Air Force One when asked about the comments.
“The President thinks that if people want to come and have a spirited debate about health care, a real vigorous conversation about it, that’s a part of the American tradition and he encourages that, because people do have questions and concerns
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