NY Times/CBS Poll Find Majority of Americans Dislike How Obama is Handling Economy … Socialism is not Change America Wanted
Posted in: Barack Obama,Economy,Obamanation,Obamanomics,Politics,Polls,WTF
It took Americans five months to realize that the change they voted for was not Socialism.
NY Times/CBS poll finds that a majority of Americans are not happy with Obama’s efforts in dealing with the economy and say that he has not developed a strategy to deal with the budget deficit. The honeymoon may be finally over. Americans have wanted to support Obama as sees by his high approval ratings. However, when it comes to Obama’s specific dealings with issues, the result is much different. It’s not personal, it’s professional. However, I don’t want to be friends with my President, I want him to do his job. Obama, like every Democratic President that preceded him thinks he has to be liked and loved. It’s never been personal. Just do your job!
A substantial majority of Americans say President Obama has not developed a strategy to deal with the budget deficit, according to the latest New York Times/CBS News poll, which also found that support for his plans to overhaul health care, rescue the auto industry and close the prison at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, falls well below his job approval ratings.
H/T: The Astute Blogger
A distinct gulf exists between Mr. Obama’s overall standing and how some of his key initiatives are viewed, with fewer than half of Americans saying they approve of how he has handled health care and the effort to save General Motors and Chrysler. A majority of people said his policies have had either no effect yet on improving the economy or had made it worse, underscoring how his political strength still rests on faith in his leadership rather than concrete results.
Is America finally waking up? Are the voters actually beginning to understand that the smooth talking words of Barack Obama are different than the socialist programs that he is enacting and leading America down the Primrose path. What, you mean throwing money at every problem does not solve them? Who knew.
The Astute Blogger may have stated it best for what the Obama Administration has represented during its first five months in office, Appeasement Abraod, Socialism at Home … a Recipe for Disaster.
More bad polling numbers for Obama at Hot Air.
The Kool-Aid Kegger Is Over For Dear Leader
Speaking to a local business group in Erie, Pennsylvania, Former President George W. Bush said, “I know it’s going to be the private sector that leads this country out of the current economic times we’re in. You can spend your money better than the government can spend your money.”
Polls find rising concern with Obama on key issues
Nearly 70 percent said they had concerns about federal intervention in the economy, including Obama’s decision to take an ownership stake in General Motors and the prospect of more government involvement in healthcare. Obama has made healthcare reform a top priority of his administration.
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