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August 31, 2016

ABC News/WAPO Poll: Record Number of Americans Now Dislike Hillary Clinton and Climbing … Record High, Now On Par With Trump

Posted in: Benghazi-Gate,collusion,Corruption,Cover-Up,cronyism,Email-Gate,Ethics,Hillary Clinton,Liars,Scandal,You Got Email-gate


According to the most current ABC News/WAPO poll, Hillary Clinton, the Democrat nominee for president is as unpopular as she has ever been and climbing. More Americans than ever now dislike Hillary. As per the poll, among all adults, 56% now view Clinton unfavorably, up 6 percentage points in three weeks. The more and more that American here of her corrupt, criminal and ethically challenged behavior with regards to use of a private email server and the use of her job as Secretary of state in a quid pro quo, incestuous relationship with the Clinton Foundation. Just today we now here that the FBI found 30 emails that were not turned over by Clinton that had to do with Benghazi. Look for her unpopularity numbers to go up even more. Hillary Clinton is a walking scandal, ethically challenged and unable to tell the truth. The reality is that if the MSM was not so bias and in the tank for Hillary, her unpopular numbers would be even high and most likely in the high 70′s.

Among registered voters, she’s now on par with Republican nominee Donald Trump, who had a 37 percent/60 percent favorable/unfavorable split in the new poll

Clinton poll unpopular_083116

Hillary Clinton’s unpopularity reached a new high in the latest ABC News/Washington Post poll, putting her on par with Donald Trump among registered voters.

The latest findings solidify their positions as the two most unpopular presidential candidates in polling dating back more than 30 years.

Among all adults, 56 percent now view Clinton unfavorably, up 6 percentage points in three weeks, compared with 63 percent who say the same about Trump.

Among registered voters, the two candidates have nearly identical unfavorable ratings: 59 percent for Clinton versus 60 percent for Trump

Full report can be read HERE.

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