Barack and Michelle Obama’s Excellent Date in New York City … While We have Run Out of Money … Sacrifice? Let Them Eat Cake
Posted in: Barack Obama,Economy,Obamanation,Politics,We the People,WTF
King & Queen Obama … “Let them eat cake.” Your hard earned tax dollars at work. How out of touch with the times could these people be? Do they just not get it or do they just not care?
This is the campaign promise that Obama decides to keep? A trip to NYC, some drinks, dinner and a Broadway show. The President does realize that all budgets need to be cut, even his date night budget, right?
“I am taking my wife to New York City because I promised her during the campaign that I would take her to a Broadway show after it was all finished,” the president said yesterday after touching down at JFK for an intimate night on the town.
So as President Barack Obama tells America that we are out of money and they “WE THE PEOPLE” need to tighten our wallets and control our budgets, King and Queen Obama fly off to NYC for the evening for a date. ARE YOU SERIOUS!!! It’s good to be King.
So what is it that the Obama’s are doing to display their sacrifice to an floundering economy, rising unemployment rates and continues housing mortgage foreclosures? As Flopping Aces stated, I thought we had a financial crisis and everyone was required to sacrifice? Could you imagine the outcry from the LEFT and the media if GWB did this during a recession?
Imagine for a moment the “news” media reaction if President Bush had taken Laura out for a night in New York with half the Secret Service, the U.S. Military, New York’s finest and the news media tagging along at taxpayer expense?
It’s bad enough that the taxpayers were left with a bill for hundreds of thousands of dollars for staff, security, military and police time. It’s also the fact that all these people had to give up their Saturday night with their families to spend it so the Obamas could cause massive traffic jams all over New York inconveniencing thousands more.
The Obama’s, not a cheap date. A list of the expenses are below which hardly covers the security involved.
Taxpayers footed the bill for the big night on the town, which included a total of at least $24,000 for the three aircraft used to ferry the Obamas, aides and reporters to New York and back. Dinner costs and orchestra seat tickets — at $96.50 apiece — were paid by the Obamas.
Obama’s jet, a Gulfstream 500, served as a more modest Air Force One for the day in place of the customary presidential Boeing 747.
Is anyone not seeing that this is almost like King Louis and Maria Antoinette redux. Barack and Michelle Obama wine, dine at one of NYC’s elite restaurants and then take in a play while on Monday GM will be declaring bankruptcy, 14 plants will begin the process of closing, 1000’s of workers will lose their job as well as numerous dealerships will cease to exist. This is hardly the image one would think a President of the USA would want to portray. Having a great time and living it up, while other lose their jobs, their homes and their livelihood while a President spends and spends and spends.
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