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May 11, 2005

The UN thinks We Are as Stupid As Bureaucrats

Posted in: Bloggers,General,Media,World

Question: What happens when you have a corrupt organization that is in a panic that they can not buy off the problem.

Answer: You Spread FUD; Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt .

Question: If you are the United Nations doing this, how do you do it.

Answer: As blatantly as possible with the highest probability of it blowing up in your face.


That is what we have the joy of experiencing today. A “Weblog” sponsored by the UN is trying to undercut Roger L. Simon, who has taken the lead in the blog world on the “Oil For Food Scandal” featuring Kofi Annan. So they create a post dinging Roger, and then send out emails asking other bloggers to comment upon it.

And guess what, they do. And now the website is being outed for the fallacy that it is. The kicker, they are using Kerry campaigners to run it. The Blind Leading the Blind.

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