Posted in: Bloggers,General,Media,Personal
I first heard about this website from Robert Scoble. He was raving about how effective it was for him to get his news, and that if he had only one news source, this would be it.
I wish there were a tech news version of Memeorandum
I wish Memeorandum had a tech news site. This is freaking awesome. I get more and more addicted to Memeorandum every day. It’s now my home page. What does it do? It shows you the major news headlines of the day and underneath it puts a selection of blogger’s opinions on that news.
When someone who is as connected in the tech world as Robert proclaims the gospel, I tend to listen. I added the RSS feed and it became a daily look at the state of the world.
Memeorandum goes through the news stories of the day and creates posts on them. Then it looks for bloggers that link to the stories and attaches a snippet of the post to the story. So in a matter of minutes, you can see the major stories and which blogger is saying what on them. And there are opinions on both sides. This keeps me from drinking too much of either kool aid.
VERY VERY COOL! Especially for a blogger. So….
On Saturday night we had a dinner with Dan Gillmor that I was fortunate enough to attend. It was a fun and entertaining evening, Dan was a gracious host and good conversationalist. Afterwards, we got hooked up with Gabe. Ended up going to Lower Broadway with him and seeing the Country and Western sites of Nashville.
As we got to talking, I asked him what his site was and he told me memeorandum. As I slowly picked my jaw off the ground, I mean I read his work nearly every day. He explained to me how the site worked, and I had to really stretch my arms even lower. It is fully automated. He can be having a drink with me and it is doing the work.
So now I am trying to pull myself off the ground and not look too uncool. But in the back of my mind this is some ground breaking stuff. And I am having the opportunity to enjoy an evening with the guy who created it.
So Gabe, thanks for a fun evening. And thanks for making such a great tool.
And if you are not using Memeorandum as a source for your news, you are making a big mistake.
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