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March 09, 2015

Ron Fournier: Clinton Email Controversy A Scandal For “Anybody With A Brain” … Says Clinton Foundation Taking Foreign $’s as She Was Secretary of State Even Bigger Controversy

Posted in: email,Email-Gate,Hillary Clinton,Scandal,You Got Email-gate,You Tube - VIDEO


Ron Fournier, the Senior Political Columnist and Editorial Director of National Journal, told CNN Sunday morning that the Hillary Clinton email controversy is a scandal for “anybody with a brain.” Fournier also went on to say that the scandal of the Clinton Foundation taking foreign money while she was Secretary of the United States is an even bigger controversy and may be tied back to this email scandal.

This is hardly a right wing conspiracy as Hillary Clinton and many on the Left would have you believe. The story is being driven by the New York Times and the Washington Post, hardly bastions of the right. Not even the most far-left MSM types like Chris Matthew’s is buying the BS spin.

CNN Inside Politics: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton Never Had a government email account … Also discussing foreign donations

Obama White House Press Secretary Earnest Struggles To Answer Whether Clinton’s Used Of Private Email Was “Appropriate”… Most transparent presidency ever, gag, cough

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