A Gift Fit for a Queen … Obama Gives Queen Elizabeth an iPod with his Speeches … Heaven Help Us
Posted in: Barack Obama,Gaffe,WTF
What planet does Barack Obama live on?
So what does one give a royalty? What is a gift that is fit for a Queen? In Obama’s world it is an iPod that includes his speeches. Good Grief. There are probably many that are appropriate, I am going to go out on a limb and say no to the iPod. You have got to be kidding. If the gift was not lame enough, the Obamamessiah also included his speeches as well. Narcissism running wild. How does one sit among their advisors and come up with an iPod as a gift to bestow upon the Queen of England? Simply amazing.
Could you imagine if GWB had done something so foolish and arrogant? I hear the cowboy references already. Then again, it was Bush’s fault that Obama gave the queen an iPod.
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