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September 19, 2008

More PDS, Palin Derangement Syndrome … CBC’s Heather Mallick … “White Trash Palin Has Porn Actress Look”

Posted in: Media,Media Bias,Politics,Presidential Election 2008,Sarah Palin,World,WTF

A note to Heather Mallick, once again I would rather be white trash than … ugly. Once again Sarah Palin is the target as she scares the living daylights out of liberals as she does not fit the stereotype they have set for Republican women.

Yes that is correct, more PDS, Palin Derangement Syndrome, this time from north of the border. Its not just the American MSM that has been evil toward Sarah Palin, add Canada as well. Canadian columnist Heather Mallick wrote an article on September 5, 2008 entitled “A Mighty Wind blows through Republican convention,” discussing Republican Vice Presidential choice Sarah Palin. The Canadian lib questions why Sarah Palin was picked as the Republicans had already sewn up the “white trash” vote. She also contended that Palin had a “toned-down version of the porn actress look.” NICE!

Heather Mallick contends that small towns are places that smart people escape from, for privacy, for variety, for intellect, for survival. Palin should have stayed home.”

I assume John McCain chose Sarah Palin as his vice-presidential partner in a fit of pique because the Republican money men refused to let him have the stuffed male shirt he really wanted. She added nothing to the ticket that the Republicans didn’t already have sewn up, the white trash vote, the demographic that sullies America’s name inside and outside its borders yet has such a curious appeal for the right.

So why do it?

It’s possible that Republican men, sexual inadequates that they are, really believe that women will vote for a woman just because she’s a woman. They’re unfamiliar with our true natures.

The article actually gets worse, if that is possible. Mallick, could you be more of an elitist or judgmental? Her reference “white trash”, trailers and porn stars so often in her article could only mean that there something that she need to tell us? Is there a deep seeded issue that she feels the need to unburden herself of burden?Wtf

Palin has a toned-down version of the porn actress look favoured by this decade’s woman, the overtreated hair, puffy lips and permanently alarmed expression. Bristol has what is known in Britain as the look of the teen mum, the “pramface.” Husband Todd looks like a roughneck; Track, heading off to Iraq, appears terrified. They claim to be family obsessed while being studiously terrible at parenting. What normal father would want Levi “I’m a fuckin’ redneck” Johnson prodding his daughter?

Heather Mallick also went on to write another column about Palin, this time in The Guardian. Obviously she thinks a lot of small town America and is embarrassed for having been born there.

My credentials are solid; Palin cannot out-hick me. Until I fled at 18, I never lived in a northern town of more than 12,000 people. My towns were full of Sarah Palins. These types are fine, such as they are, until they leave town and turn fraudulent. They label themselves “the salt of the earth”. It’s when they try to make that a qualification for a greater glory that things turn unpleasant.

Greta Van Susteren wins many points with Republicans not only by doing some great interviews with the First Dude of Alaska, Todd Palin, but by also calling CBC columnist Heather Mallick a pig. Not one wearing lip stick, but just a PIG!

Columnist’s Labeling Palin Backers ‘White Trash’ Spurs Review at Canadian TV

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