There’s Change You Can Believe In, John McCain Picks Palin as his VP … First Female VP on a Republican Ticket
Posted in: John McCain,Politics,Presidential Election 2008
It’s official … McCain/Palin … That’s the Ticket.
I must admit I did not see this one coming. John McCain has picked Alaskan Governor Sarah Palin to be his Vice Presidential candidate. However, the more I have thought about this choice, just like Mark Levin of The Corner, I think its a terrific pick. Now there is change you can believe in. McCain opted to not choose an old white guy and went with the first female to ever be on a Republican Presidential/VP ticket.
The Maverick John McCain has shook up the race for the White House in a manner many thought Obama would have. Now that’s leadership … being able to make a bold decision and pull the trigger. Unfortunately for Obama, he was unable to when he picked a VP and opted for an old white dude who was a 35 year Washington, DC Beltway insider.Hot Air has a great time line of today;s events.
“She’s exactly who this country needs to help me fight the same old Washington politics of me first and country second,” the presumptive Republican nominee said at a Dayton, Ohio, rally of about 15,000 supporters, who welcomed the surprise pick of the relatively unknown politician with cheers and flags.
Palin for America: A true conservative
“She’s got the grit, integrity, good sense and fierce devotion to the common good that is exactly what we need in Washington today,” McCain said.
Palin, 44, described herself as a fighter against corruption and a bipartisan reformer in her first appearance as a candidate for vice president, an office she said she never expected to seek.
According to the Volokh Conspiracy, the choice of Sarah Palin is a huge hit on the Clinton Forum. Think women will not cross party lines and after Hilary Clinton was dissed by Barack Obama for the VP pick. Think again?
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