REMIX: IRS Chief Werfel Says He & IRS Employee’s Would Rather Not Switch to Obamacare
Posted in: Barack Obama,Community Agitator,Epic Fail,Government,Healthcare,IRS,Obamacare,Obamanation,You Tube - VIDEO
Now a special remix, maybe this will make the IRS want to have Obama. Then again, maybe not.
Remember when President Barack Obama said that if you like your insurance, no one is forcing you to change it? Well, such is not the case with the IRS employees who are being forced onto Obamacare and want no part of it. What is most ironic is the very department that is in charge of implementing and enforcing Obamacare does not want to be a part of Obamacare. Just how bad is this healthcare if the very people who will be enforcing it want no part of it? You just can’t make this stuff up.
Looks like IRS Chief Werfel wants to know why he can’t keep his current insurance as Obama promised
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