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October 24, 2007

Diaper Donors … How Low or Young can Politics Sink?

Posted in: Child Welfare,Personal,Politics,Presidential Election 2008,WTF

Ever wonder why politicians have such low approval ratings? Maybe its because Baby-cartoonthey are willing to use children to get elected and never pass any real  laws with teeth to protect them against predators.

How low can political fund raising sink? The question now should be … how young? In the run up to the 2008 Presidential elections, its all about the political fund raising, the war chest; however, at what cost? No longer are candidates getting campaign dollars from the dead (at least not yet reported), presidential hopefuls are now getting money from “DIAPER DONORS”. This is not just a Democratic event, Republicans are doing it to.

It is one thing for children to take an active role in politics at a young age. It is quite something different when parents use their children as a “money laundering” vehicle to get someone elected. OK, its plausible that teens and middle schoolers could be doing political civics events, when they are not getting birth control. However, no one can believe that a 2, 4 or 6 year old is donating to campaigns.

Also, since when do 13 year olds have a spare $2000 to give to a campaign? One would think that they would be buying video games. However, in our fund raising at all cost political environment, this is acceptable. What a shame that we have lost all that is right in order to skirt the fine line of the law.

Elrick Williams’s toddler niece Carlyn may be one of the youngest contributors to this year’s presidential campaign. The 2-year-old gave $2,300 to Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.).

So did her sister and brother, Imara, 13, and Ishmael, 9, and her cousins Chan and Alexis, both 13. Altogether, according to newly released campaign finance reports, the extended family of Williams, a wealthy Chicago financier, handed over nearly a dozen checks in March for the maximum allowed under federal law to Obama.

Such campaign donations from young children would almost certainly run afoul of campaign finance regulations, several campaign lawyers said. But as bundlers seek to raise higher and higher sums for presidential contenders this year, the number who are turning to checks from underage givers appears to be on the rise.

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