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April 04, 2013

One in Four Americans Believe Obama Might Be the Anti-Christ

Posted in: Barack Obama,Epic Fail,Obamanation,Polls,WTF

Well, if the poll fits, wear it … The heck with job approval, 25% think Obama is the Anti-Christ.

From the Guardian comes the following poll and the survey says … One in four Americans think Obama may be the antichrist. Just 25%, come on America, you can do better than that! Some believe Obama is the Obamamessiah and he actually believes he is the one that people have been waiting for (VIDEO). As the Bible (Matthew 7:15) states, beware of false prophets. Is it any wonder why Barack Obama is the most polarizing President ever and sorry to say, hardly good for America. The promises Obama has made, the “Hope & Change” and the so-called bridge to the future has been far from the truth.

About one in four Americans suspect that President Barack Obama might be the antichrist, more than a third believe that global warming is a hoax and more than half suspect that a secretive global elite is trying to set up a New World Order, according to a poll released on Tuesday.

The survey, which was conducted by Public Policy Polling, asked a sample of American voters about a number of conspiracy theories, phrasing the questions in eye-catching language that will have the country’s educators banging their heads on their desks. The study revealed that 13% of respondents thought Obama was “the antichrist”, while another 13% were “not sure” – and so were at least appeared to be open to the possibility that he might be. Some 73% of people were able to say outright that they did not think Obama was “the antichrist”.

The survey also showed that 37% of Americans thought that global warming was a hoax, while 12% were not sure and a slim majority – 51% – agreed with the overwhelming majority view of the scientific establishment and thought that it was not. The survey also revealed that 28% of people believed in a sinister global New World Order conspiracy, aimed at ruling the whole world through authoritarian government. Another 25% were “not sure” and only a minority of American voters – 46% – thought such a conspiracy theory was not true.

HA, it would seem that the number of people has remained about the same since 2010 when 14% thought Obama was the anti-Christ.

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