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November 09, 2012

NJ Gov. Christie Calls Obama To Congratulate Him and E-Mails Mitt Romney

Posted in: 2012 Elections,Barack Obama,Chris Christie - NJ,Mitt Romney - Paul Ryan 2012,Presidential Election,WTF

Pack your bags Christie … you will never be the GOP presidential nominee.

RINO New Jersey Governor Chris Christie  called Barack Obama to wish the president congrats on his 2012 reelection win; however, only emailed Romney on the loss. Nice. Maybe Christie puckered up some more to Obama? This from the man who claimed he backed Romney, yet bear hugged Obama and provided a false image that Obama was actually bi-partisan and that Obama was actually handling the Hurricane Sandy disaster properly. UNREAL.

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie said that he had called President Obama to congratulate him on his win in the 2012 presidential election — but has only sent an email to Mitt Romney, the Republican nominee for whom he campaigned heavily earlier this year.

“We didn’t have a political strategy discussion,” Christie said of his call to Obama, according to Bloomberg. “I said congratulations on your win last night Mr. President, he said thank you governor.”

Christie added that he had sent an email to Romney on Wednesday night.

As stated by Weasel Zippers, who would expect any less from Judas? Christie might as well change party affiliation as he will never get the Republican nomination after this “fox in the hen house” episode. This will never be forgotten. One of the reasons ultimately why Romney did not perform better was that he was too moderate for the GOP base. Christie is left of Romney no matter what comes out of his big mouth. Do not fret Lonely Conservative, those that vote to nominate a prez candidate will never, never vote for Christie after this.

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