Andrew Sullivan Makes Another Ignorant Race Card Reference … If Romney Wins Florida And VA, It’s The ‘Confederacy’
Posted in: 2012 Elections,Barack Obama,Black Vote,Democrats,Epic Fail,Liberals,Mitt Romney - Paul Ryan 2012,Moonbats,Presidential Election,Progressives,Race Card,Racism,Radicals,Republican
LIBS continue to play the race card because they have nothing else …
Once again we have a liberal playing the race card when it come to the election of Barack Obama. This time it’s the Daily Beast’s Andrew Sullivan who made the ignorant and racially charged comment, “If Virginia and Florida go back to the Republicans, it’s the Confederacy. Entirely. You put a map of the Civil War over this electoral map, you’ve got the Civil War.” It is truly pathetic that such attempts to play the race card has become a platform of the Democrat party. There is real racism in America and folks like Sullivan and his ilk are trivializing it.
PBS reporter Gwen Ifill said that “we can’t ignore” the possible factor racial animus may play in deciding the election, noting that the poll indicates that, on some level, people are still willing to admit “racial bias.”
Sullivan then added: “If Virginia and Florida go back to the Republicans, it’s the Confederacy. Entirely. You put a map of the Civil War over this electoral map, you’ve got the Civil War.”
Conservative panelist George Will rolled his eyes. “I don’t know,” said a skeptical Ifill.
Really, so if you vote for Romney you’re a racist? America, who is sick and tired of being called a racist because you do not agree with Obama’s socialist and failed agenda? How desperate are Democrats when this is all they got? Smearing anyone who votes for Romney, really? This is simply disgraceful, but typical of what the Democrat party has become. American Power provides a map of 2004 of GWB’s win which would be the same as Romney’s attempted electoral vote 2012 victory. Also, I would bet that Reagan’s 1980 and 1984 victories would look similar as well. Were they all racists too? This map is not the look of the Confederacy, its the look of a Romney victory.
Sullivan’s comments are perfectly representative of the left’s hopelessly desperate and utterly despicable politics of racial fear-mongering. Progressives have been attacking conservative presidential politics as racist since at least 1968, when Republicans deployed the so-called “Southern strategy” in the election of Richard Nixon to the White House. The South has been in the GOP column for decades. It’s just the way it is, not shocking and not a racist conspiracy. That’s the 2004 map above, where George W. Bush was reelected with 286 votes …
A quick history lesson for Andrew Sullivan and Libs, the Confederate South was made up of Democrats.
EXIT OBSERVATION: Barack Obama and Democrats continually playing the race card have probably done irreparable damage to a black Democrat ever being nominated or elected president in the future. Who wants to put up with this garbage of constantly being called a racist just because one disagrees with a person of color’s policies and agenda? Especially since it was white America who voted Obama into office.
EXIT QUESTION: Andrew, what is more racist, whites voting in Obama at a 50-50 percentage or blacks voting for Obama at 96%? Hmm?
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