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September 07, 2012

Obamanomics EPIC FAIL … August 2012 Jobs Numbers: New Jobs at 96,000, Missing Expectations; Rate Hits 8.1% Because 368,000 People Left the Work Force

Posted in: 2012 Elections,Are You Better Off Today Than You Were 4 Years Ago,Barack Obama,Business,Economy,Epic Fail,Jobs,Mitt Romney - Paul Ryan 2012,Obamanation,Obamanomics,Presidential Election,Recession,Unemployment


The August 2012 jobs numbers are out and they are disastrous for Barack Obama, but most importantly, they are even more disastrous for America. Only an anemic 96,000 jobs were created in AugustĀ  and missing the expectations of 125K jobs. However, the unemployment rate shrunk to 8.1%. One might think that is a good thing and a partisan Barack Obama and his minions might just spin it as so. However, the real reason why the unemployment rate went from 8.3% to 8.1% was because 368,000 left the work force and just gave up.

The job numbers get worse:

  • The June employment numbers fell from 64,000 to 45,000
  • July’s number came in at 141,000 from an originally reported 163,000

Obama reads the bad economic numbers for August and another nail in his political Presidential reelection bid

Employment growth remained weak in August, with just 96,000 new positions created but the unemployment rate dropping to 8.1 percent, according to a report that raises the possibility of more Federal Reserve easing.

Despite hopes that job creation would be better than expected, the monthly report fell short of economist expectations that 125,000 jobs were added for the month.

A more encompassing measure of unemployment, which counts those not looking for jobs, fell to 14.7 percent from 15.0 percent in July.

But job reports for June and July were revised lower. The June count fell from 64,000 to 45,000, while July’s number came in at 141,000 from an originally reported 163,000.

As reported at Hot Air this is a 30 year low in the work force under this President. How sad, pathetic and tell of the Obama administration. Americans are just giving up. What a commentary of Obama.

Bureau of Labor:

Among the major worker groups, the unemployment rates for adult men (7.6 percent),
adult women (7.3 percent), teenagers (24.6 percent), whites (7.2 percent), blacks
(14.1 percent), and Hispanics (10.2 percent) showed little or no change in August.
The jobless rate for Asians was 5.9 percent (not seasonally adjusted), little
changed from a year earlier.

No wonder Barack Obama’s speech was so flat last night and a major disappointment. No wonder Obama did not mention anything to do with his stimulus plan, Obmacare and details of how he was going to fix the economy. Remember, Barack Obama was well aware of these economic numbers before he made his speech last night. If he had painted a rosy picture and then these numbers came out, Americans would have said a collective, WTF. More so than they are this morning.

Following this economic disaster, there will be no Obama convention ounce, if anything the bounce may be a negative and go to Romney.

Remember when Obama said he will be held accountable, if he does not have this fixed in three years, it is going to be a one term proposition? Hold him to it America.

UPDATE I: The Lonely Conservative linked, thanks!

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