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March 07, 2007

Boston Woman Sues for “wrongful birth” after failed abortion … How Wrong is This?

Posted in: Bizarre,Child Welfare,Judicial,Obituary,WTF

It just doesn’t get any more wrong than being able to sue for “wrongful birth”. What Wtfhave we come to? A Boston woman sues after giving birth after a failed abortion.

The complaint was filed by Jennifer Raper, 45, last week in Suffolk Superior Court and still must be screened by a special panel before it can proceed to trial. (Boston Globe)

One might ask the question if this woman should even have a child that she wished dead. Have we lost our collective minds as a society. Whether abortion is legal or not, she wanted this child dead. Why are we going to pay her to bring up a child she did not want? This is insane. Seems that The Corner has the same issue.

That the phrase “wrongful birth” exists and a mother would ever conceive of making a legal case out of wishing her kid was never born does always seem to me a clear sign the end is nigh and Judgement Day won’t be merciful to our national soul.


One would ask the obvious question. Why is she suing for damages? Are the damages the cost of raising a child? It would seem obvious that if she was willing to kill, excuse me I mean abort the child then why doesn’t she just give the child up for adoption. Wouldn’t that be the obvious thing to do? She does not want the child so why does she keep it? Because its a meal ticket, not a baby. Honestly, what does this woman ever say to her baby later on in life? We wished you were dead, but it turned out better that you lived. WTF! Red State sums it up all too well.

This story, however, is different in this respect; the abortion sought by the woman in this case sought an abortion purely for financial reasons. Thus, when her child grows up, she will not even be able to say to her child, “I wanted to save you the suffering that I knew your life will entail.” Instead, her story will be “I just wished that you were dead because I didn’t want to pay to raise you.”

This is truly one of the most repulsive stories I have seen in quite some time. Looking to financially gain off a child you wanted dead. I am at a loss for words.

  • Stop the ACLU: To think, even after living two years with the blessing of this little miracle this sick woman still looks at her daughter as an “unwanted child.”
  • The American Mind: “Gee mom, do you still want me dead?”

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