Mitt Romney Releases First Official Ad, What Would A Romney Presidency Look Like …“Day One”
Posted in: 2012 Elections,Barack Obama,Economy,Healthcare,Jobs,Keystone XL Pipeline,Mitt Romney,Obamanation,Presidential Election,You Tube - VIDEO
Mitt Romney has released his first Presidential campaign video ad that very much separates himself from Barack Obama. In the campaign ad there is no class warfare, no blame Bush, no continued, failed Obama policies … On Day One Romney states he would approve the XL-Keystone pipeline creating 1000′s of jobs that Obama has blocked, introduce pro-growth tax reforms that would reward job creators not punish them, and repeal Obamacare and replace it with common sense health care reform.
Sounds like a much better plan of action than we are presently on. Barack Obama will never be able to defend his last four years, Romney offers a welcome and much necessary change.
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