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August 16, 2011

Poor Job Approval Continues … Obama’s Weekly Job Approval Average Hits All-Time Low of 40%

Posted in: 2012 Elections,Barack Obama,Gallup,Hope and Change,Obamanation,Polls,Presidential Election

The other day President Barack Obama’s daily job approval rating hit an all time low of 39%, now his Gallup weekly job approval average has also hit the skids and an all time low of 40%. America, how’s that “Hopey, Changey” thing working out for you?

President Obama’s job approval rating dropped to 40% during the week spanning Aug. 8-14, the lowest weekly average of his administration. During this period, Obama’s three-day rolling average also hit a new low of 39% for Aug. 11-13, the first such average below 40% since he took office, though it recovered to 41% for Aug. 12-14.

Obama continues to see his job approval ratings underwater.

More from the UK Telegraph and an analysis of Obama’s job approval during his first term in office. The difference between comparisons to Reagan and Clinton is that there is nothing positive regarding Barack Obama’s policies, the economy or the President. From the outset Obama took an arrogant tact that “elections have consequences” and went about his presidency doing whatever LEFT-wing policy and agenda he wanted to without consent of “We the People” or the minority GOP party. Obama had control of the WH, the Senate and the House … Democrats rammed their liberal agenda down the throats of America and now, their chickens have come home to roost.

The result, he made matters worse, took the car from the ditch and drove it off the cliff and had a job approval commensurate of his policies and the affect on the American people. As many people are saying, 2012 cannot come fast enough.

Brian in a Blue State

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