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March 24, 2011

One Year Later and Americans Have Not Embraced Obamacare as More & More Waivers are Given

Posted in: 2012 Elections,Barack Obama,CNN Opinion Research,Government,Healthcare,Nanny State - Big Government,Obamacare,Obamanation,Polls,Rasmussen

Hasn’t Obama learned that you can’t lipstick a pig?

President Barack Obama, then House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and the rest of the Democrats told us when they forced Obamacare down the throats of Americans that they would learn to like it and we all would not know what was in it, until they passed it. One year later and the American public has not “learned to love it”, in fact they want Obamacare repealed. A recent CNN poll shows that the opposition to Obamacare is the same, one year later.

According to a CNN/Opinion Research Corporation survey released Wednesday, on the one year anniversary of the signing of the law, a majority continue to oppose the measure, but some of the opposition is from Americans who think the law is not liberal enough.

Thirty-seven percent of Americans support the measure, with 59 percent opposed. That’s basically unchanged from last March, when 39 percent supported the law and 59 percent opposed the measure.

 Those providing analysis to the poll want to emphasize that opposition to Obamacare comes from both sides stating that it was over-reaching and not liberal enough. However, if that were complete true two things would not be occurring. One, the Democrats would not have been routed in the 2010 midterm elections as politicians vote on Obamacare was a major part of that election. Also, there would not be an overwhelming majority of those who wanted to repeal the health care law.

Barack Obama and Democrats had hoped that this intrusibe and over-reaching healthcare law would grow on the American people over time. This important issue was crucially important to Obama’s reelection in 2012. It has not and as stated by Hot Air, Obamacare is just as popular as it ever was and that is not much. Obama has turned one and now enters the terrible two’s.

Then there is the question of waivers that have been given. So many, that  Crossroads GPS plans to file a federal lawsuit Wednesday in D.C. District Court against the Department of Health and Human Services.

At issue is the Obama administration’s criteria for granting 1,040 of the temporary health care reform waivers to businesses, labor groups and a handful of states. Those organizations are being allowed to opt out of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act — at least until 2014 — in order to let them develop systems and alternatives to meet the health care reform law’s strict coverage requirements.

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