Barack Hussein Obama’s Approval Rating Hits New Low of 42% in Fox News Poll
Posted in: 2010 Elections,Barack Obama,Economy,Obamanation,Obamanomics,Polls,You Tube - VIDEO
President Barack Hussein Obama’s job approval rating has hit a new low in the Fox News poll. Obama now finds himself at 42% and falling. Obama’s job approval numbers have truly fallen and they can’t get up. Only 42% approval of the job Obama is doing while 52% disapprove. Just what Democrats needed with less than 50 days to go before the midterm elections. Full Fox poll can be seen HERE.
Obama’s Poll Numbers have fallen and they can’t get Up
With less than 50 days until Election Day, American voters favor Republicans over Democrats by a six percentage-point margin, and that advantage widens among those voters most interested in the election. After the economy, the next most important issue to voters is the trustworthiness of candidates.
Meanwhile, President Obama’s job rating has hit a new low.
When asked who they would back if voting in the Congressional election today, 46 percent of voters say the Republican candidate in their district and 40 percent the Democrat. Two weeks ago the GOP lead was 46-37 percent (1-2 Sept 2010). And when the results are narrowed to voters who say they are certain they will vote in November, that gap widens to 9 points.
President Obama’s job approval hit a new low this week. Overall, 42 percent of voters approve of the job he is doing, down from 46 percent earlier in September, and 52 percent disapprove. Compare that to his 54 percent approval rating a year ago (15-16 Sept. 2009), and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s current 66 percent approval rating.
Even fewer voters — 40 percent — approve of the job Obama is doing on the economy, and 56 percent disapprove.
Use whatever metaphor you want when it comes to Obama job approval polls, the ship is sinking, the wheels have come off the car or the train has come off the tracks … Obama’s numbers are toast. It appears that Weasil Zippers is asking the very same question that we have for a month now, when will Obama’s approval rating go into the 30′s?
Heading into the 2010 midterm elections, Democrats have much to fear from an enthusiastic GOP voting base and more importantly those pesky Tea Party voter who plan on voting for Republicans over Democrats by a 63% margin.
More Republicans (91 percent) than Democrats (85 percent) say they plan to vote for their party’s candidate. The vote among independents is split evenly between the parties (30 percent each). Voters who consider themselves part of the Tea Party movement (21 percent in this poll) are more likely to vote Republican by a 63-point margin.
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