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March 15, 2010

Rielle Hunter Speaks for First Time in GQ Regarding John Edwards Affair, Elizabeth Edwards & Andrew Young

Posted in: Bizarre,Corruption,John Edwards,Politics,Scandal,WTF

It appears that some one is looking for their 15 minutes of fame to continue, or is it infamy?

Hunter says she’s still in love with “Johnny” … Good grief.


It would seem Rielle forgot to wear pants the day of the GQ photo shoot

Rielle Hunter, the mother of former Democrat Senator and Presidential wanna be John Edward’s love child,  talks for the first time in GQ interview. It would appear that Rielle Hunter was not paid by GQ by the amount of clothes she was wearing.

We’ve heard from former senator John Edwards, we’ve heard from his soon-to-be-ex-wife, Saint Elizabeth, and we’ve heard (bleh) from Andrew Young, the former Edwards aide and faux father. But through it all—the affair and the cancer-stricken spouse, the doomed campaign and the love child, the sex tape, all of it—we’ve never heard from the woman at the heart of the story. Now, after years of silence, the other woman speaks.

In the extensive article, Rielle Hunter goes on to discuss her affair with John Edwards, his wive Elizabeth Edwards and as she refers to him the loose canon Andrew Young. Just a hunch, but Rielle Hunter is probably not the best source for info on Elizabeth Edwards. Just a thought.

Now, though, she’s talking, in an extensive new GQ interview obtained by The Washington Post. It’s a doozy. Wrath of Elizabeth? If John Edwards feared his wife so much then when did he cheat on her in the fear of getting caught? Imagine the wrath The Breck girl endured from Elizabeth when that occurred.

Hunter says she’s still in love with “Johnny” and believes he loves her. That they went to bed together the day they met. That his marriage was “toxic,” that he feared “the wrath of Elizabeth.” That it was Young’s idea for the coverup in which he claimed paternity. That she had no idea how much moneynow the subject of a grand jury inquiry – was being funneled to her from top campaign donors.

UPDATE I: From Hot Air, VIDEO from The View … ‘Edwards mistress crushed that GQ used racy photos which she enthusiastically posed for’

CNN has more on ‘Hunter upset over GQ photos.’

GET “Rielle”!!! Hey sweetie, you are the one who posed for them, did you think the camera was not taking pictures? I am pretty sure you could hear the shutter opening and closing while the pics were taken of you by the GQ photographer while you were scantily clad.

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