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July 20, 2009

Down, Down, Down: More Polls Show Obama’s Numbers are on the Decline … Washington Post-ABC Poll

Posted in: Barack Obama,Economy,Healthcare,Obamacare,Obamanation,Obamanomics,Politics,Polls

Barack Obama has finally found bi-partisan agreement. All polls are beginning to show that his approval ratings and ratings on policy issues are going down. Its not just the Rasmussen Report that shows the President’s approval number dipping and strong opposition against Obamacare.

The One’s handing of healthcare drops below 50% for the first time. It might just be time to hit the panic button as Americans are strongly against raising taxes to pay for healthcare in the teeth of a recession. How much longer will Obama defy the American people and what will be the consequence?

This Washington Post-ABC News poll was conducted by telephone July 15-18, 2009.

1. Do you approve or disapprove of the way Barack Obama is handling his job as president? Do you approve/disapprove strongly or somewhat?

          -------- Approve --------   ------- Disapprove ------     No   
          NET   Strongly   Somewhat   NET   Somewhat   Strongly   opinion
7/18/09   59       38         22      37        9         28         4
6/21/09   65       36         29      31       10         22         4 
4/24/09   69       42         27      26        8         18         4 
3/29/09   66       40         26      29        9         20         5
2/22/09   68       43         25      25        8         17         7
b. Health care 

          -------- Approve --------   ------- Disapprove ------     No   
          NET   Strongly   Somewhat   NET   Somewhat   Strongly   opinion
7/18/09   49       25         24      44       11         33         7  
6/21/09   53       27         26      39       10         29         9  
4/24/09   57       NA         NA      29       NA         NA        13


c. The federal budget deficit

          -------- Approve --------   ------- Disapprove ------     No   
          NET   Strongly   Somewhat   NET   Somewhat   Strongly   opinion
7/18/09   43       19         24      49       11         38         8
6/21/09   48       22         26      48       13         35         5  
4/24/09   51       NA         NA      43       NA         NA         7
3/29/09   52       NA         NA      43       NA         NA         5

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