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January 04, 2018

Fire at Hillary and Bill Clinton’s Compound in Chappaqua, NY

Posted in: Bill Clinton,Bill Clinton,Former Presidents,Hillary Clinton


According to reports, a fire was reported about 2:50 p.m. at 15 Old House Lane, the residence where former President Bill Clinton and failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton live in Chappaqua, NY. The Secret Service stated that the small fire started in the second-floor ceiling of a facility used by the Secret ServiceĀ  It is a detached structure behind the Clintons’ home. For all those who have are speculating that the fire was a result of the Clinton’s burning evidence, it appears that they were not at home at the time of the fire. Also, they have already destroyed the emails and evidence they were supposed to turn over to the FBI.

Burning Down the House

A fire broke out Wednesday at a building on the Clintons’ property in Chappaqua and was quickly extinguished.

The small fire started in the second-floor ceiling of a facility used by the Secret Service, which is in a detached structure behind the Clintons’ home, the Secret Service said in a statement.

The fire was put out by fire extinguishers, and firefighters inspected the area to ensure it was completely out, the Secret Service said.

The Clintons were not home at the time of the fire, Nick Merrill, a spokesman for Hillary Clinton, tweeted.

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