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March 09, 2017

Rise of the Machines & Goodbye to $15/Hr Fast Food Workers … Burger Flipping Robot Is About To Start Work at a Fast Food Chain

Posted in: Business,You Tube - VIDEO


As those who have minimum wage jobs in the fast food industry demand $15 an hour for a job that is meant to be entry level, along comes the obvious replacement to such absurd demands. Meet “Flippy” the new, efficient and non-complaining employee that is the replacement to those who flip burgers. What’s next, kiosks where you order your food and pay for it so that you actually can have an order done correctly.

This is what happens when you price yourself right out of the market and demand a salary that is not in line with the skill set that it takes to do the job.

Via Food and Wine:

The term “burger flipper” is often used as a derogatory way of referring to someone working a low-paying job (sometimes, but not always, literally flipping burgers) that is generally seen as the kind of gig that could be done by anyone. And that’s paraphrasing the politest definition on Urban Dictionary. But if you think burger flipping is more complex than the haters like to let on, science hasn’t done you any favors as of late: CaliBurger, a chain whose last sustained time in the spotlight was occurred because it was too much like In-N-Out Burger by In-N-Out Burger, is the latest restaurant to announce it’ll be using a burger flipping robot to handle grill duties.

Created by Miso Robotics, “Flippy” is billed as an even better alternative to using a lowly human being to upend burger patties in your commercial kitchen. According to a promotional video, “Flippy cooks burgers perfectly – every time,” implying whoever fast food joints have in their kitchens now are achieving less than perfection.

The burger flipping robot is also equipped with cameras and sensors that allow it “to see,” meaning it “collaborates in real-time” thanks to “intelligent Cooking AI software.” The video even boast that Flippy can “politely move out of the way” – you know, if someone rudely bumps into it screaming something like, “Damn you, Flippy! I need this job to pay my rent!” Oh, and unlike some fancy high school graduate who still requires training no matter how many AP classes he took, Flippy can “be installed in less than five minutes.”

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