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January 07, 2008

Steroids in Baseball … Roger Clemens Sues Former Trainer Brian McNamee for Defamation

Posted in: Sports

What was the inevitable fall out of the Mitchell Report and the fact that Roger Clemens name was mentioned so prominently? A law suit of course. According to reports, the law suit was filed prior to Clemens’ appearance on 60 Minutes. What will be the inevitable result of Roger’s comments Sunday night? Most probably a counter suit by McNamee’s attorneys against Clemens. Read the full transcript of the Roger Clemens interview on 60 Minutes HERE.

And the wheel of did Roger, did Roger not use steroids and HGH goes around and around. Roger Clemens and Brian McNamee are also reported to have had a telephone conversation on Friday night. Wouldn’t everyone have liked to have been a fly on the wall for that phone call? Of course with the number of taped phone call conversations these days, we may just be hearing it in the future.

Roger Clemens filed a defamation suit against former personal trainer Brian McNamee in Texas state court Sunday night, according to the Houston Chronicle, just before his interview with CBS’s “60 Minutes” was about to air.

Clemens claims McNamee was threatened with jail if he didn’t connect the pitcher to steroids, according to the suit, the Chronicle reported on its Web site early Monday. The suit was filed in Harris County civil courts, the paper said. “All of McNamee’s accusations are false and defamatory per se,” the lawsuit said, according to the Chronicle. “They injured Clemens’ reputation and exposed him to public hatred, contempt, ridicule, and financial injury. McNamee made the allegations with actual malice, knowing they were false.” (FOX NEWS)

Clemens refutes former trainer’s claims, might not sue

UPDATE: Clemens has News Conference

Well who did not see this coming a mile away? What was the comment that we made earlier today regarding the telephone conversation between Clemens and McNamee … “Of course with the number of taped phone call conversations these days, we may just be hearing it in the future”. Clemens and his lawyer did not disappoint. At todays press conference they played that very same confersation as Clemens taped the call.

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