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March 17, 2013

Sarah Palin Fires up the Crowds at CPAC as the Mama Grizzley & Hockey Mom Pokes Fun at the Left with her Big Gulp

Posted in: Facebook,Humor,Mayor Michael Bloomberg,Sarah Palin,You Tube - VIDEO

Former Alaska Governor and Vice-Presidential candidate Sarah Palin brought down the house at CPAC 2013 as only she can and at the same time brought the LEFT to utter madness. After making  a joke about gun rights, gun racks, and guns Sarah took the opportunity to pause and took a swig from her Big Gulp. Obviously a not so vale slap at the NYC Mayor Bloomberg and his over-reaching policies. Palin certainly has a way to get a dig in. What’s funny is that the LEFT still cannot get over this woman as she continues to just drive them up the wall. Case and point is that the below video was from a Lefty site where they thought she was offensive. A note to the LEFT, sometimes its just ok to laugh at something that is funny.


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