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March 05, 2013

Ain’t No Way to Treat a Media … Obama Administration Calls Female Reporter a “B*tch, C*nt, A**hole” For Asking Tough Questions

Posted in: Barack Obama,Bob Woodward,Chicago-Style Politics,Epic Fail,Media,Media Bias,War on Women

Call it an Obama ‘War on Woman’ a ‘War on the Media’ and ‘War on Freedom of the Press’.

Has the media bloom finally come off the Barack Obama rose? Is the MSM finally going to do their job and hold the Obama administration accountable for their actions, policies and agenda? Via Jammie Wearing Fools comes the following accounts of how the vile Team Obama treats the media and namely woman. Forget the threats that veteran journalist Bob Woodward received from the Obama gang, what about the stories from liberal journalist  Jonathan Alter? He recounts the time that a young female reporter was asking tough, important questions of an Obama Cabinet secretary when she was bullied by Team Obama. Jonathan Alter stated to the NY Post, “She was doing her job”, and they [Team Obama] were trying to bully her. In an e-mail, they called her the vilest names — “b*tch, c*nt, a**hole.”

Finally, this week, reporters are pushing back. Even Jonathan Alter — who frequently appears on the Obama-friendly MSNBC — came forward to say he, too, had been treated horribly by the administration for writing something they didn’t like.

“There is a kind of threatening tone that, from time to time — not all the time — comes out of these guys,” Alter said this week. During the 2008 campaign swing through Berlin, Alter said that future White House press secretary Robert Gibbs disinvited him from a dinner between Obama and the press corps over it.

“I was told ‘Don’t come,’ in a fairly abusive e-mail,” he said. “[It] made what Gene Sperling wrote [to Woodward] look like patty-cake.”

I had a young reporter asking tough, important questions of an Obama Cabinet secretary,” says one DC veteran.She was doing her job, and they were trying to bully her. In an e-mail, they called her the vilest names — bitch, c–t, a–hole.” He complained and was told the matter would be investigated: “They were hemming and hawing, saying, ‘We’ll look into it.’ Nothing happened.”

As we always say, where there is smoke there is fire and when there is one cockroach on the floor, there are hundreds in the walls. The MSM is starting to spill the beans and come clean on this vile Chicago-style thug presidential administration that has disdain for a free press and like to threaten the media to keep them in line.  If the MSM ever decided to abandon Obama altogether and report on him like they would a Republican president, his approval rating would sink into the 20′s.

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