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May 30, 2007

Fred Thompson Will Run For President, 4th of July Announcement Expected

Posted in: Politics,Presidential Election 2008

Fred_ThompsonFred Thompson, the former Tennessee Senator and well know actor, has decided to enter the Presidential campaign on the 4th of July according to those close to his campaign. All I can say is WOO HOO!

Face it folks, the group that is running for President is a weak group. Giuliani is the best of the bunch and he fights to have any gravitas. McCain and Romney are nice guys, but would only get my votes after holding my nose.

But Fred Thompson has the right stuff. He walked away from the Senate and all its sycophantic garbage that McCain thinks of as the be all and end all. He can express in very simple and concise terms complicated ideas, something that Giuliani and Romney are far from able to do. And when it is time to face Hillary or Obama, he carries himself so well that they will look shrill and lightweight compared to him.

Of course, Thompson does not walk on water, he has had a long and illustrious career as a ladies man, has been seen to take a softer approach on the opposition than I would like, and is know to be a bit relaxed in his work ethic.

However, to see his instinctual reactions to Micheal Moore and the garbage he spews, that Paul Harvey would choose him to be his fill in, and his strong stances on immigration while others wilt in the fear of not being politically correct have earned my support for the man.

We had a President that folks mocked as being only an actor and prone to taking naps, but when Ronald Reagan was laid to rest America rose and recognized that he was a great leader. May Fred Thompson have the same mettle.

Thompson, the “Law and Order” star and former U.S. senator from Tennessee, has been publicly coy, even as people close to him have been furiously preparing for a late entry into the wide-open contest. But the advisers said Thompson dropped all pretenses on Tuesday afternoon during a conference call with more than 100 potential donors, each of whom was urged to raise about $50,000.

Thompson’s formal announcement is planned for Nashville. Organizers say the red pickup truck that was a hallmark of Thompson’s first Senate race will begin showing up in Iowa and New Hampshire as an emblem of what they consider his folksy, populist appeal. via Politico.com

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