Unbelievable MSM Bias: CNN’s Acosta to Romney … ‘If You Somehow Beat Obama,’ How Would You ‘Assure Blacks You’d Be Their President Also?
Posted in: 2012 Elections,Are You Better Off Today Than You Were 4 Years Ago,Barack Obama,Epic Fail,Mitt Romney - Paul Ryan 2012,Presidential Election
This is what passes as a fair and balanced media coverage of the 2012 Presidential election … CNN plays the race card.
Yet another example of the liberal, corrupt media complex bias and just how in the tank they are for President Barack Obama. The following question from the MSM is just disgusting and offensive. CNN’s Jim Acosta on Tuesday’s Situation Room asked Mitt Romney the following truly offensive question:
“If you were to somehow beat the first African-American president, what would you say to the black community to assure them that you would be their president also?”
Um, “If you were to somehow beat the first African-American president”? Forget the race baiting question for starts, “somehow” beat Obama? Really CNN? There has been 43 consecutive months of unemployment over 8%, the real unemployment number is twice that, college graduates cannot find jobs, there are record number of individuals on food stamps, the medium income as fallen sharply under Obama and basically the job growth and economy is just terrible. With an economy in such disarray, a foreign policy that is not on fire in the Middle East, a President that has failed to live up to his “Hope & Change” promises and a close campaign, is it really a stretch to believe that Obama could lose?
From NewsBusters:
JIM ACOSTA, CNN: African-Americans have a tremendous sense of pride that there is the first African-American president in the White House. If you were to somehow beat the first African-American president, what would you say to the black community to assure them that you would be their president also?
MITT ROMNEY: I want to be the president of all the people of America. I want to help all the people of America. You don’t get into a race like this with myself and my family and do the kind of work and commitment that we’ve put forward without the passion to help all of America. And the people who really need the help right now are the people in the middle class, people who have fallen into poverty. I know how to get them help. The president doesn’t.
Just curious, will CNN ask Obama whether he is going to be the President for white America? How about the President for the Tea Party? How about those that are against higher taxes and lower federal spending? How about President for those who oppose Obamacare? How about those who actually call the war on terror, the war on terror and radical Islam? How about for those who are unemployed and disagree with Obama’s failed economic policies? How about for those who cling to their Bibles and guns?
Of course not. As stated by the Gateway Pundit, “what is more shocking, is that Acosta has no idea how biased he is. Nor does he care.”
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