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August 02, 2012

Rick Warren Tweets: @dancathy just called me. #ChickFilA has already set a world record today … As the Left Shows the Hypocrisy of Their Hate

Posted in: Abuse of Power,Chick-Fil-A,Civil Rights,Freedom of Religion,Freedom of Speech,Gay Marriage,Gay-Lesbian,Government,Hypocrisy,Liberals,Religion,We the People,You Tube - VIDEO

Rick Warren tweeted that Dan Cathy, the CEO of Chick-Fil-A, called him and said that they had already set a world record toda for food sales and there was still 7 hours to go out in the West.  Honestly, it does not surprise me at all. The one’s the I frequented today and passed by were a zoo. There were traffic jams at every location and people standing in line as if waiting to go on an amusement park ride at Disney World. At one location I stopped at today, they had served 10,000 customers. A note to the intolerant LEFT, backlash is a bitch. Today, waiting in line for a Chick-Fil-A chicken sandwich in support of free speech, in November it will be waiting in line to take our country back.

Mike Huckabee is amazed at the outpouring and a victory for ‘We the People”
Christians are allowed freedom of speech as well and many are tired of the Anti-Christian sentiment
and attempted censorship of commerce because they disagreed with someone’s opinion. 

As Hot Air opined, Somewhere, a Burger King ad man’s toying with the idea of having “The King” declare himself “100% pro-life.” We might want to ad a pro-second amendment “Red Haired” little girl with pony tails as well.

Not a word about today’s activities has been whispered on Chick-fil-A’s feed even though CFA has been trending on Twitter off and on all day. As noted in the earlier post, the suspicion is that the company’s lying low about what’s happening in order to extricate itself from the front line of the culture war, but I wonder if today’s outpouring will draw some sort of recognition tomorrow. If Dan Cathy’s willing to tout the numbers to Rick Warren, presumably an official acknowledgment and thank you is on the way.

I would have to say that because of such a tremendous outpouring of support today by “We the People”, CFA is going to have to make some sort of announcement. When they do, the numbers are going to be staggering.

What the Left and the Gay community does not understand is your hypocrisy makes people ill. You are the first to cry hate speech and discrimination, yet it is you who spews vile hate and intolerance. Like this moonbat, hate filled Leftist (VIDEO) calling others hateful when he is a perfect example of what hate is all about.

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