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November 02, 2006

Kerry Apologizes, Kinda … Calls it a botched Joke … Who’s the joke?

Posted in: Bizarre,Fun,Media,Politics

John Kerry thinks he is a comedian, a word of advice … Don’t quit your day job.  News flash to Kerry, there is a big difference between saying a joke and being a joke.


(Vanderbilt – ‘06)

John is laying low while the media tries to explain away his comment. This guy is NOT a Jay Leno. Kerry is an ‘educated man’ prone to speak
ill of our military on more than one
occasion. Many feel that he IS the
joke in question.

John Kerry attempted apology may have been even worse than his comments regarding the military.  I am certainly a defender of the internet as a news source; however, Kerry in a TV Press conference said he would never apologize. Then he apologizes under extreme pressure from the Democratic Party on his web page. How lame is that? He certainly had no problem shooting his mouth off when the cameras were running initially that got him into hot water.

Kerry, even though I doubt this was a joke … keep the humor to trained professionals, like the guys from ScrappleFace.com. BE KERRY SMART.



However, Senator Kerry if you think that an apology consists of stating that you “regret that my words were misinterpreted”, you are sorely mistaken. You claim it was a botched joke; however, you may be the botched joke. The fact that Democrats running for office in close races are fleeing from you like rats off a ship may be the first indicator. To be a fly on the wall in Democratic strategists offices who are throwing their hands up in the air saying the same words over and over … “who let this man speak?”

John Kerry is the “botched joke” of American politics. For those of you keeping score at home, John Kerry has now called members of the U.S. military (a) stupid, (b) crazy, (c) murderers, (d) rapists, (e) terrorizers of Iraqi women and children. I wonder what he’ll call them tomorrow. Whatever Karl Rove is paying John Kerry to say stupid things, it’s worth every penny.

Once again John Kerry has put his foot in his mouth and shown just what it means to be a New England Liberal Democrat. Joke? Hardly … is this any different when he uttered the words “global test” during the 2004 Presidential debates? When he said, “he voted for it before he voted against it?” Are the words that Kerry said regarding the military any different from what he said in 1972? Does a leopard change its spots?

In 1972, as he ran for the House, he was less apologetic in his comments about the merits of a volunteer army. He declared in the questionnaire that he opposed the draft but considered a volunteer army “a greater anathema.”

“I am convinced a volunteer army would be an army of the poor and the black and the brown,” Kerry wrote. “We must not repeat the travesty of the inequities present during Vietnam. I also fear having a professional army that views the perpetuation of war crimes as simply ‘doing its job.’ (AP)

 My guess is John Kerry will not be seen until after the 2006 midterms which at that point Democratic leaders will force Kerry into the witness protection program.

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