Obama Campaign, Are they Smarter than a 5th Grader, NO … Cannot Do Math on Payroll Tax Cut
Posted in: Barack Obama,Lost in Smallness,Obamanation,Tax & Spend Liberals,Taxes,WTF
From the Pundit Press comes the following perils of wisdom and math from the Obama campaign. First they played politics with the payroll tax cut that funds social security, now it appears that they cannot do simply math. Is the Obama campaign smarter than a 5th grader, Not even close.
The Obama Campaign has launched a coordinated effort urging people to save money… or something. On their official Wisconsin, California, and Indiana twitter feeds, the President’s campaign is slamming Republicans for their supposed “fuzzy math.” Unfortunately for Obama, he is employing idiots.
Cannot multiply forty times twelve. By the way, forty times twelve equals four hundred eighty dollars, by my estimation.
Actually I think that they might also need lessons in writing. The payroll tax cut is not $40 a month, its most likely $40 a pay period. However, how does Obama’s minions get to $1000, $40 x 26 pay periods, when they (OBAMA AND DEMOCRATS) only extended it for TWO MONTHS!!! It was the GOP that wanted to pass a bill that extended the payroll tax cuts for a year. What Obama and the Senate Democrats wanted only amounts to $160.
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