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November 25, 2011

President Barack Obama Omits God from Thanksgiving Day Message … How Typical

Posted in: Barack Obama,Happy Thanksgiving,Lost in Smallness,Obamanation,WTF,You Tube - VIDEO


Why is anyone not surprised that President Barack Obama would provide a Thanksgiving Day message and omitting “GOD”. UNREAL. Take a good listen to this self-serving message where Obama does not reference “God”, but he mentions being thankful to doing his part. WOW. Most people wish you would stop doing your part and just let them be. Government is not the answer … “WE THE PEOPLE” are!

Obama stated that tomorrow would be better than today. Then Obama opined, no matter how tough things are right now, we still give thanks for that most of American blessings,  the chance to determine out own destiny. That is correct, Americans look forward to the 2012 elections to determine their destiny and rid themselves of you and the Democrat control

Obama stated that we are all our bother’s and sister’s keepers. Really? As the Gateway Pundit reminds us, since when has Obama been his brother’s keeper? Seems that if Obama was serious about being his brother’s keeper, he might actually start out with his own half-brother.

BTW, one of the Thanksgivings that Obama referenced in his above “non-God” referenced speech was that which took place during the Civil War. Take a good look at Abraham Lincoln’s Thanksgiving Day proclamation from 1863 and the numerous references to God. However, why would Obama actually think there is a greater power than himself?

No human counsel hath devised nor hath any mortal hand worked out these great things. They are the gracious gifts of the Most High God, who, while dealing with us in anger for our sins, hath nevertheless remembered mercy …

Other recent Presidential Thanksgiving Day messages:

President George Bush’s Final Thanksgiving Day Message

Americans are also mindful of the need to share our gifts with others, and our Nation is moved to compassionate action. We pay tribute to all caring citizens who reach out a helping hand and serve a cause larger than themselves.

On this day, let us all give thanks to God who blessed our Nation’s first days and who blesses us today. May He continue to guide and watch over our families and our country always.

Richard Nixon’s Thanksgiving Day message:

THE PILGRIMS at Plymouth had good reason to express their gratitude to God on that first Thanksgiving Day nearly three and a half centuries ago. Those who enjoyed the abundance of that first harvest had survived in a wilderness where suffering and want were their constant companions. Their faith in God’s mercy was strengthened and sustained in spite of hardship.

Throughout our history, Americans have celebrated this day in both a spiritual and festive fashion, rejoicing in the blessings bestowed upon them by our Creator.

Even former President Bill Clinton made references to God in his Thanksgiving Day message:

But across the years, we still share an unbroken bond with the men and women who first proclaimed Thanksgiving in our land. Americans today still cherish the fresh air of freedom, in which we can raise our families and worship God as we choose without fear of persecution. We still rejoice in this great land and in the civil and religious liberty it offers to all.

And we still – and always – raise our voices in prayer to God, thanking Him in humility for the countless blessings He has bestowed on our Nation and our people.

Let us now, this Thanksgiving Day, reawaken ourselves and our neighbors and our communities to the genius of our founders in daring to build the world’s first constitutional democracy on the foundation of trust and thanks to God.

Out of our right and proper rejoicing on Thanksgiving Day, let us give our own thanks to God and reaffirm our love of family, neighbor, and community. Each of us can be an instrument of blessing to those we touch this Thanksgiving Day – and every day of the year.

Take a good look at the VIDEO below of a real President, Ronald Wilson Regan, and his Thanksgiving Day message to America from 1985. How America longs for a President who cares more about the ideals that make America great and the Almighty, than himself. How small could a President be where they cannot thank the Creator and thank God for the gifts we have been blessed with.


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