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July 25, 2011

American Voters Trust Republicans on Economy Over Democrats … GOP has 10 Point Edge Over Democrats

Posted in: Barack Obama,Budget Deficits,Democrats,Economy,Federal Deficits,Gallup,Media Bias,National Debt,Obamanation,Obamanomics,Politics,Polls,Rasmussen,Republican

The American people are letting their voice be heard … will our elected officials actually listen for once? The Democrats and the complicit MSM have tried to demagogue the debt crisis and demonize Republicans; however, ‘We the People” are not buying it.

As the debt limit discussion weighs in the balance as the Republicans and Democrats square off against each other as to how to handle the issue, a recent Rasmussen poll shows that American voters trust the GOP more in handling the economy than Democrats. Americans give the GOP a 10% lead over Democrats on the issue.

With lawmakers haggling over government debt and consumer confidence at a two-year low, voter confidence in Republicans to handle the economy is growing.

The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey of Likely Voters shows that 45% trust Republicans more when it comes to handling economic issues, while 35% put more trust in Democrats. Nineteen percent (19%) are undecided. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

This is not the only problem that Democrats and Barack Obama face. In the Rasmussen poll the GOP beat Democrats in nine out of the ten major issues of the day including the economy, healthcare, Iraq, immigration, social security, Afghanistan, national security, government ethics and taxes.

Voters now trust Republicans more than Democrats on nine of those 10 issues. In May, Republicans led on just six issues after being trusted more on all 10 in early January. Two years ago Democrats were trusted more than Republicans on most issues. Still, there are several issues that the parties are close on in terms of trust.

Making matters worse for Barack Obama, the Rasmussen poll has his Presidential Index at -21% and an overall job approval rating at 45% approval and 54% disapproval. The recent Gallup poll has it at 43% approval and 49% disapprove. His complete polls can be seen at Real Clear Politics where all seem to be in the red.

The GOP have the backing of the people, now it just depends whether they have the guts to do the right thing and hold to their principles and why the political landscape was changed in 2010.  As stated at Powerline, “So John Boehner and his fellow Republicans should not let themselves be bullied. The American people are counting on them.”

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