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March 05, 2011

US Senator Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio) Forced to Apologize after Comparing GOP to Hitler

Posted in: 2012 Elections,Democrats,Senate,Unions,WTF

A, B, C’s of politics … APOLOGY, BACKLASH and CIVILITY.

That apology did not take long. US Senator Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio) felt a tremendous backlash a minute after he made the hateful, reckless and lack of civility comments that the GOP was similar to Hitler when it came to unions. When will Democrats learn that civility, means civility and making references and comparisons to Hitler and Stalin is so off-base and ignorant that it does a disservice and is a slap in the face to all those that suffered under this two tyrants.

From the Politico, comes Ohio Democrat US Senators apology.

Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio), under heat for invoking Adolf Hitler in talking about anti-union movements in his home state and Wisconsin, has apologized for making the comparison on the Senate floor.

“I am passionate about fighting for the middle class. Ohio’s teachers and nurses and police and firefighters are facing the loss of their collective bargaining rights, and I think that’s wrong,” Brown said. “But in speaking about this, I should not have mentioned the hostility of tyrants, like Hitler, to unions. I don’t want my mistake to distract from the critical debate in Ohio, and I apologize for it.”

Senator Brown had previously had made comparisons of the GOP to Hitler, Stalin and Mubarak that they were all anti-union. Brown best learn what he says as he is one of the numerous Democrats up fro reelection in 2012.

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