America’s Most Wanted helps on Nita Mayo Missing Persons case with Texas Equusearch
Posted in: Missing Persons,Texas Equusearch
Americas Most Wanted sent film crews to Tuolumne County to film segments on the search for a Nevada woman, Nita Mayo, who has been missing for more than two months. The producers focused their story of Tim Miller and Texas Equusearch but featured the story about the missing Mayo and the search for her and other type of work Miller does.
Crews from the TV show “America’s Most Wanted” were in Tuolumne County over the weekend, filming a segment on the search for a Nevada woman, now missing for more than two months.
Producers say the show on the search for Nita Mayo will run in late November or early December.
Last weekend’s search was organized by Tim Miller, a Texas man who founded a horse-mounted search-and-rescue group, EquuSearch, in 2000 in memory of his daughter Laura who was abducted and murdered in 1984.
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