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October 22, 2009

Obama Gallup Third Quarter Approval Rating: Slip, Slip, Slipping Away … Down to 53% … Largest Drop for an Elected President

Posted in: Barack Obama,Government,Healthcare,Obamacare,Obamanation,Obamanomics,Politics,Polls

Barack Obama … You’ve come a long way baby … largest second to third quarter approval rating slide in elected Presidential history.

The MSM is always praising Obama for being the first black President and for being the first sitting President awarded the Nobel Peace prize. They can now praise Obama for yet another first as a President of the United States.

According the the Gallup Daily tracking, Barack Hussein Obama is the proud winner of having the largest second to third quarter drop of any elected president in history. More hope and change that we can believe in. Let’s repeat this so that the LEFT can comprehend what their Obamamessiah has just accomplished. The largest drop, -9%, of any US elected President.

Will “Blue Dog’ Democrats be so willing to back a President’s policies with this terrible approval rating trend?


PRINCETON, NJ — In Gallup Daily tracking that spans Barack Obama’s third quarter in office (July 20 through Oct. 19), the president averaged a 53% job approval rating. That is down sharply from his prior quarterly averages, which were both above 60%.

It is safe to say that the American people are dissatisfied and do not agree with Obama’s policies on the economy or healthcare. Obama’s approval rating continues to slide as Obamacare is rammed through the political process against the majority will of “We the People”.


The honeymoon with the American people is over. As Obama’s ratings plummet, the White House becomes more and more thin skinned and small in their attacks on Fox News and warnings to other media outlets to not follow Fox’s lead. Yet, Obama cannot make a decision on Afghanistan with troops, the stimulus plan was a failure, unemployment is nearing 10%. It is safe to say that the bloom is off the rose and Obama is in some serious trouble. So are Democrats that face elections in 2009 and 2010.

Even in Obama’s Europe, they are reporting that Obama’s approval rating drop is the worst in 50 years. Obama’s present approval rating of 53% approval rating is down from April’s 62% and down from his 73% when he entered the White House.

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