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January 19, 2015

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-RX) Asks South Carolina Tea Party Conference, “Do We Go Back to the Same Old, Same Old? Or Do We Stand for Principle?” … Does the GOP Need Another Mushy Middle Nominee

Posted in: 2016 Elections,Conservatives,Mushy Middle,Presidential Election,Republican,RINO,Tea Party,Ted Cruz (TX-R),You Tube - VIDEO


At the South Carolina Tea Party Coalition Convention in Myrtle Beach, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) posed some very important questions to those in attendance and to Republicans and GOP-leaning Independents around the country, “Do we [the Republican party] go back to the same old, same old? Or do we stand for principle?”  Cruz once again brought up the GOP establishment career politician fascination with the “mushy middle”.

“There is even a bigger question facing this country in 2016. Do we go back to the same old, same old? Or do we stand for principle? Now there are a lot of voices in Washington … the only way to win is to run to the mushy middle.  They’ll tell you this its all about electability. You know what electability is, nominate the candidate who is the closest to the Democrat. The funny thing about that, every one of these Washington graybeards who goes on television and talks about the way to win, is to run to the mushy middle. Have you noticed that these consultant keep losing? Over and over and over again. Who in their right mind would listen to some one who keeps getting whupped, giving us advice on how not to get whupped.”

Listen I very much agree very much with Ronald Reagan’s observations, that Republicans win, not when we “paint not in pastels but in bold colors (VIDEO).”

“If we nominate another candidate in the mold of a Bob Dole, John McCain or Mitt Romney, all of whom are good, honorable and decent men, the same people who stayed home in ’08 an ’12 will stay home in ’16 and the Democrat will win again.”

Ted Cruz: The Base Will Stay Home if Romney is Nominee:

At the annual South Carolina Tea Party conference in the early nominating state of South Carolina, Senator Ted Cruz, R-Texas, gave an aggressive argument to several hundred activists to nominate a principled Republican who “paints not in pastels but in bold colors.”

The reference to Ronald Reagan was the first of two during his 40-minute speech at an aging beach-front resort in Myrtle Beach. But the potential presidential candidate did mention Mitt Romney several times. Cruz said Romney, who put forward Friday a public declaration that he is considering a third presidential run, was the latest Republican nominee to pacify conservative voters leading to depressed conservative turnout and a Democrat for president.

“Do we go back to the same old, same old? Or do we stand for principle,” Cruz told the mostly middle-aged and retired crowd, referring to the uninspiring “mushy middle” where he said Republican presidential candidates have gravitated in recent elections.

“If we nominate another candidate in the mold of a Bob Dole, John McCain or Mitt Romney … the same people who stayed home in ’08 an ’12 will stay home in ’16 and the Democrat will win again,” Cruz said.

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