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December 14, 2007

Pirate Captain William Kidd’s Ship, the Quedah Merchant, Possibly Found in the Caribbean

Posted in: Bizarre,Search and Recovery,World

Thursday we were reminded of the fact that just because something is in the water, does not mean it cannot be discovered.A 300 year old mystery may have been solved. Never say never …

An underwater arhaeology team from Indiana University has claims to have found the wreckage of the ship, Quedah Merchant, that was once captained by famed buccaneer, Captain Kidd. The wreckage was found off Catalina Island in the Caribbean.


SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico —  A U.S. underwater archaeology team announced Thursday it has likely discovered the shattered remnants of a ship once captained by the notorious buccaneer William Kidd off a tiny Dominican Republic island.

The barnacled cannons and anchors found stacked beneath just 10 feet of crystalline coastal waters off Catalina Island are believed to be the wreckage of the Quedagh Merchant, a ship abandoned by the Scottish privateer in 1699, Indiana University researchers say. (FOX News)

Captain Kidd’s Shipwreck Of 1699 Discovered

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