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November 18, 2012

Arizona Gun Store’s Sign Declares “If you voted for Barack Obama your business is not welcome” … “You have proven you are not responsible enough to own a firearm.”

Posted in: 2012 Elections,Barack Obama,Second Amendment

Well, if the shoe gun fits, wear it, or not in this case. 

As reported at CNS News, Cope Reynolds, the owner of Southwest Shooting Authority, a gun store located in Pinetop, Arizona, posted a sign in the window stating that if you were an Obama supporter, he did not want your business. Not only did he buy an ad in  a local newspaper that read: “If you voted for Barack Obama your business is not welcome.” He also posted a sign in his store window that said, ”If you voted for Obama, please turn around and leave! You have proven you are not responsible enough to own a firearm.” And? Reynold’s might have a point when it comes to the responsibility issue. Obviously, it would be impossible to enforce and it was meant to be more of a political statement.

It was reported over the weekend that the owner of a gun store in Arizona is telling Pres. Obama’s supporters he doesn’t want their business.

Cope Reynolds, the owner of Southwest Shooting Authority, a gun store located in Pinetop, Arizona, took out a full page ad in a local newspaper that read: “If you voted for Barack Obama your business is not welcome.”

The New York Daily News reports that Mr. Reynolds also posted a sign on the store’s front door:

“If you voted for Obama, please turn around and leave! You have proven you are not responsible enough to own a firearm.”

I am sure it will not be long before some one calls him a racist.

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