Cheney Calls Out Congress On Supporting The Troops
Posted in: Iraq,War on Terror
Love him or hate him, Dick Cheney is a straight shooter when it comes to dealing with Congress. Today he explicitly called out the Congress to support the troops and do not punish them with a slow bleed as the Democrats have announced their strategy to be.
“When members of Congress pursue an anti-war strategy that’s been called ‘slow bleeding,’ they are not supporting the troops, they are undermining them,” Cheney said in a speech to the American Israel Public Affairs Committee.
Cheney spoke at the start of a week in which the House plans to begin work on legislation providing nearly $100 billion for the rest of this year’s costs of wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, President Bush’s full request for funds.
“Anyone can say they support the troops and we should take them at their word, but the proof will come when it’s time to provide the money,” Cheney said.
House Democratic leaders want to add provisions to the measure requiring the withdrawal of U.S. combat troops by the end of August 2008 and possibly by the end of 2007. Some anti-war Democrats prefer limiting the funds so the administration would essentially be forced to remove U.S. forces, a strategy that party leaders have abandoned. via Yahoo! News.
If the Democrats are against the war as they say have the conviction to stand up and declare they will not finance the war passed a certain date. Instead these slimey politicians want to play the game of we support the troops while hamstringing them at every turn. If it out of Iraq you want, say so but do not be this two faced animal who is only trying to make political points without making a stand.
Either fund the war or not, but if you are going to fund the war be honest and fund it properly.
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