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October 02, 2006

Please Pray for Tim Miller of Texas EquuSearch … Presently in Hospital

Posted in: Texas Equusearch

I have just been notified by Texas EquuSearch that Tim Miller is in the hospital for a heart Tim-Miller200procedure today. Tim had initially complained of chest pains when admitted to the hospital; however, tests have come back negative for a heart attack.

Routine procedures are being done today to check the status of stents of his previous heart stent procedures. I spoke with Tim early this morning while he was at the hospital.

Please pray for Tim. This man does far too much good for others. This time Tim needs our help and prayers.

We will forward all your well wishes, prayers and comments to Tim. We ask to please not call. We will update Tim’s condition when available.

God Bless … and a speedy recovery … get well soon.

UPDATE: Tim is out of his procedure and doing well. They found nothing wrong. It may just be stress. I think we can all agree he has a lot of that. All the comments and emails I have received have been forwarded to TES and Tim will be reading them tonight.

Thanks to all of you for wishing Tim Miller well and a speedy recovery.

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