The Real 99% of Americans Continue to Reject & Ignore the OWS Protest Movement and Their Reprehensible Conduct
Posted in: Anarchists,Communism,Media Bias,Moonbats,Occupy Protests,Occupy Wall Street Protesters,Polls
Occupy Wall Street protest movement fails to gain any support from the real 99% of Americans. According to a recent USA Today poll, there was an increase from 20% to 31% in disapproval of the manner in which the OWS protesters have conducted themselves.
A new USA TODAY/Gallup Poll shows that the “Occupy” movement has failed to capture the attention of a majority of Americans, indicating either ambivalence toward it or lack of interest.
The poll finds that 56% of Americans surveyed are neither supporters nor opponents and 59% say they don’t know enough to have an opinion about the movement’s goals.
The survey, however, does show an increase from 20% to 31% in disapproval of the way the protests are being conducted.
Why are so many Americans neither supportive or non-supportive? Maybe because the MSM has supported these protesters and not negatively reported on the crimes, vandalism and hatred spewed from OWS like they would have done so if it were the Tea Party. Furthermore, the American Thinker might have stated it best, of course many Americans think there is a problem, “It’s just that they apparently don’t think a bunch of kooks, loons, communists, anarchists, and dirty necked galoots have the answers.”
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