Obama, Democrats and MSM Say TEA PARTY Just like OCCUPY WALL STREET Protesters … Really, You Make the Call
Posted in: Anarchists,Moonbats,Occupy Protests,Occupy Wall Street Protesters,Tea Party,We the People,WTF
Yea, I get the two protests confused all the time …
To justify the rape, sexual assault, violence, crime, attacks on police, trespassing and property damage, President Barack Obama, Democrats and the liberal MSM have compared the OWS protesters to the Tea Party. However, any one with a clue knows better. The despicable actions of the OWS crowd are criminal nor Freedom of Speech. Imagine, just imagine if anything like this occurred at a Tea Party event. However, at OWS it is systemic, yet the MSM refuses to report it. Keep in mind, Barack Obama endorses Occupy Wall Street. Really Mr. President, you support the following?
A Special thanks to the JAWA REPORT that made a check list of incidents that have taken place that even those on the LEFT can understand.
CHART HAT TIP: The Jawa Report
Much more great info and VIDEOS ate Wake Up America. Take a good look and see for yourself what the #Occupy Wall Street and this Occupy protesters are all about since the MSM refuses to tell the truth. However, its the Tea Party that is called extremists by the MSM, Barack Obama and Democrats.
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