Speed Bump in the Road President Obama … The Job Chart Looks Like You have Taken Us from the Ditch and Drove off the Cliff
Posted in: Barack Obama,Economy,Jobs,Unemployment
Barack Obama tied to down play the recent terrible jobs picture by stating that it was merely a “speed bump” in the road. Really Mr. President, a speed bump? Unemployment for May 2011 just increased .01% to 9.1%. It is the second month in a row that the unemployment rate went up. Oh, and by the way President Obama, those “speed bumps” you are referring to are Americans out of work, not a cute metophor used to lessen the dire economic situation.
Speed bump … Obama has driven the economy over the cliff. Obama’s policies have failed miserably. You can’t blame this on GWB and the American people will finally hold you responsible in 2012.
Does this Look Like a Speed Bump in the Road?
Chart: Via Business Insider
However, this so-called speed bump is much more worse than the president would lead you to believe. As stated at OTB, the speed bump is “the scariest jobs chart you’ll ever see, and every month it gets updated it just looks worse.” The data comes from Business Insider and should make everyone take time to pause.
In other words, we are in the worst jobs recession since the Great Depression and we’ve just recently reached the lowest point of the previous worst jobs recession
Listen to the excuses of Obama’s minion, economic adviser Gooslbee. Blame the poor job growth on anything but Obama’s policies. Unbelievable. Didn’t these people say that the stimulus package would fix all this?
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