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August 29, 2005

Here is an interesting tidbit on John Roberts

Posted in: Main,Supreme Court

As John Roberts prepares for his hearings before the Senate Judiciary Committee for confirmation to the Supreme Court , he has one great advantage. He has been here before.

From The Washington Post:

In recent weeks, Roberts has been practicing for his hearings with a team of advisers, trying to anticipate the questions he will face and best ways to answer them. But you might say he has been getting ready for much of his adult life. One of his first jobs as a Justice Department aide in the early 1980s was to help coach Sandra Day O’Connor — whose seat he is now seeking to fill — through her confirmation testimony. He advised O’Connor to keep her answers general and to avoid specifics.

This was his strategy two years ago. He presented himself to the Judiciary Committee as a sort of judicial Everyman, an unbiased arbiter who takes cases one by one with only the law and the relevant facts to guide him. Such a judge demurs when asked about issues in advance and declines to criticize the work of others. The senators wore their politics on their sleeves, but Roberts was bland as he answered — or sidestepped — their questions.

This training will do well for him in the coming weeks.

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