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July 30, 2005

Red in Aruba on Friday

Posted in: Aruba,Missing Persons,Natural Disaster

Red has has trouble getting online, he has trouble with the wireless, and then the batteries on his laptop ran out. I talked with him this morning, and got a brief description of what he did yesterday, and he will hopefully be posting later in much greater detail.

Red’s Day on Friday:

Searched the landfill from 10 AM till 3 PM. He said it was one of the foulest and god awful smelling places he has ever been in. Fighting 95 degree temperatures and 80 percent humidity, they dug holes looking for anything that would have a date on it. If there were things with the dates, the cadavor dogs were brought in.

The went out and drove the island to try to answer some of the questions put up by members on the discussion board. These pictures include the Fishermans Huts, the Marriot and Holiday Inn and the areas in between, overview shots that cover these same areas but taken from the highest points on the island, pictures of the pond and the work being done there.

He also went through the different areas that the disapearance revolves around and got detailed information that will bring some discrepancies out in the open with the different stories that have come out.

After the trip around the island, he went to meet Julia Renfro, editor of Aruba Today,  and tried to get his wifi working at a local restaurant. He saw Deepak at this restaurant. After an interesting conversation with Julia, Red headed out to Carlos and Charlies after midnight. He hung around outside to get pictures of the scene outside the Carlos and Charlies and then headed in to see the real situation.

Again there were many things that Red saw that will disprove the conventional wisdom that is out there. He also saw people that were on Joran Van Der Sloots tickle site. I was unable to get any more details as the team was heading from the dumpsite where Red had been working since 7:30 AM.

He will be making every effort to get online and add the details that we were unable to discuss over the phone to you, and hopefully pictures.

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